While this can go either way from your perspective on the topic. There are many reasons why one can feel either way.
On the one side there are many people who could not live without and depend on Walmart careers to get them through their entire life. There are others that will not step foot in a Walmart store. Why you ask? There is really not a reason. Some just don’t like the crowds that are always there. Some don’t like the stories they hear. Whether or not they are good or evil, no one will ever know.
Of course they have to make a living just as the next person and as far as a profitable company in their profit sharing option they do tend to share the wealth so to speak. This is open to employees as well as anyone who would like to invest in their stock. While the topic of greed is floating around they do offer everyone the opportunity to share.
As for the reason some people just don’t like to shop there. Some people just don’t like crowds. That is something that can’t be helped on any side. As for the stories, this is another thing that really can’t be helped. Anywhere that many people come in and out of on a daily basis there is bound to be something happen. Even if the staff does everything in their power and more they just can’t stop everyone!
Whether or not they are good or evil, they will most likely always be both in the eye of the beholder. Some can’t live without them and some can’t live with them. This goes back to not being able to please everyone! It is just not possible and it never ever will be! Please the ones you can and keep going!
Jah Bless.
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